Tuesday, November 10, 2009

ThinkTank - VisibleDust - This Washington DC Photographer taking advantage of foresight

The NYC Photo Plus Expo lead to a few purchases mostly to enhance the "workflow" of our everyday lives here at the studio, be it my assistant or just me.

100% of the time we out in the field so making it look as seamless as possible is really important. I had fully expected just to wander the Expo and attend various seminars with no intention of purchasing gear. However, a few items jumped out at me and an idea started to formulate. - A different "decisive moment" for the digital age -.

There are several moments during my work day that have been really important to me and one in particular has come to light as the absolute defining moment.
Here's a few examples of this Virginia photographer's idea of what is important:- appearance of my crew, the gear's appearance, quality of gear, punctuality, communication skills, personality, competency and execution.

The defining moment - as I wandered the vendor stalls is the instant the image pops up on the screen for the client's approval.
(100% of the time I'm tethered to a computer).

At that moment - nothing else matters, the lighting can be changed, the set or model finessed, but quality is the watch-word so this is the "decisive moment".

Too often a photographer's sensor can be mucky or the computer screen being used has mismatched color. Now, I've never been this sort of sloppy technician but things have snuck up on me during busy periods.

There is nothing worse than excusing sensor dust on a client's product or likeness. All day long - "I'll fix that in PhotoShop!" Once your at on the assignment it's too late to clean and calibrate. Something I have work to avoid but ti was adding so much time as the last task of the night.

NYC got me thinking about that moment and finessing out these aggravations. Money must be able to make this easier on me.

VisibleDust based in Canada got the jump many years ago on the digital camera self-cleaning accessory market. I've been a user or many years with their high end Sensor Clean and rather ordinary early model brushes which ran several hundred dollars.
Now they have in the product lineup the Sensor Loupe, Sensor Swabs and the Arctic Butterfly which I have ignored until now, but in light of my revelation I couldn't resist. ChaChing - more money! Problem no longer.

Before each shoot I now inspect my sensor and clean it if necessary. The Arctic Butterfly works wonders - zip, whirl -and my images are as clean as a whistle.

Next, I color calibrating my monitors before each shoot.

This may seem very laborious but compared to spotty images and a client wondering why they look a little jaundice it is well worth it.

I also of course grabbed PhotoShelterand ThinkTankPhotos' Airport Takeoff. I didn't want a defining moment of stupidity at the airport departure gate so I purchased the ultimate airline "approved" photo kit bag. My back also thanks me since it has wheels and I feel like I'm permanently off for my holidays. Fat Chance!

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